Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Austin Plastic Surgery Specialist Comments on Breast Augmentation Promotions

Dr. Rocco Piazza, an Austin plastic surgery specialist, responds to the recent emergence of "discounted" breast augmentation offers and explains the importance of taking time to carefully decide whether the procedure is right for you.

Dr. Piazza Responds to Breast Surgery Promotions

Dr. Piazza Responds to Breast Surgery Promotions
Dr. Rocco Piazza, an Austin plastic surgery specialist, is responding to recent promotions for breast 

   AUSTIN, TX, January 15, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Dr. Rocco Piazza of the Piazza Center for Plastic Surgery and Advanced Skin Care says breast augmentation promotions can sometimes push women into surgery too quickly. An Austin plastic surgery specialist, Dr. Piazza guides women in choosing the safest and most effective procedures for breast enhancement at his plastic surgery practice.

"Patients who opt for discounted breast augmentation should make sure they're not sacrificing quality," Dr. Piazza says. "It's important to take time to make sure you're ready for a procedure, and then to choose a surgeon who is qualified to perform that procedure."

Dr. Piazza is considered by many to be the "go-to" surgeon for breast revision and breast augmentation in Austin. He offers patients a wide range of options for creating custom and natural looking results.

Whether a patient wants to correct a previous surgery or is considering breast enhancement for the first time, Dr. Piazza has the skills, experience and elite training that make him uniquely qualified to create exceptional breast augmentation results.

"I feel very fortunate to have trained under Dr. Dennis C. Hammond, who is one of the most respected breast surgery specialists in the world," Dr. Piazza says. "This training helped me learn a range of techniques that I combine to match each woman's specific needs."

Even if a surgeon is offering a special discount price, it is more important to choose a doctor who is qualified, experienced and trustworthy, Dr. Piazza says. He recommends looking for a surgeon who specializes in a particular procedure. Also, many doctors offer photo galleries on their websites with "before and after" photos of their patients. This information can make the surgeon selection process easier, he says.

"I believe surgeons should act as a guide, leading patients through the decision-making process, but never telling the patient exactly what to choose," Dr. Piazza says. "Every step of the process, from choosing the perfect breast implants in Austin to understanding what to expect during recovery, should be easy and comfortable.

"I hope patients take the time necessary to find qualified surgeons with whom they feel comfortable expressing any concerns."

Dr. Rocco C. Piazza of the Piazza Center for Plastic Surgery and Advanced Skin Care ( offers the most advanced procedures available to meet a wide range of cosmetic needs. After graduating summa cum laude from Baylor University, Dr. Piazza attended University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. He completed his Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Training at Michigan State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan where he studied under Dr. Dennis C. Hammond. Dr. Piazza and his staff are committed to creating a comfortable and secure environment and achieving natural looking results for a wide range of patients.
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